Team BeAGain Wins Korea's First Championship 2024 Cybatlon FES BIKE: Performance by Research Teams at Incheon National University, Yonsei University, and Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- 글번호
- 397669
- 작성일
- 2024-11-22
- 수정일
- 2024-11-22
- 작성자
- 홍보팀 (032-835-9490)
- 조회수
- 513
The Korean team "BeAGain" won the "2024 Cybathlon FES BIKE" category in Switzerland on the 26th for the first time in Korea. It is the first time in the FES BIKE (rehabilitation robot bicycle) category, with the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) winning its second consecutive title in the wearable robot category. The research included a research team led by Professor Park Ki-won of the Department of Bio-Robotic System Engineering at Incheon National University, Professor Shin Dong-joon of Yonsei University, and a research team led by Professor Kim Jeong-yeop of Seoul National University of Science and Technology.
Cybathlon, a competition for world rehabilitation robot technology, is a quadrennial international competition hosted by the Federal University of Technology (ETH Zürich). The word cybathlon is a combination of cyborg, which means artificial humans, and the Latin word for competition, "athlon," which means competition, and is also called the Cyborg Olympics. Engineering and disabled athletes work as a team to research and develop robot technology for about four years.
The FES BIKE event is a competition in which a disabled person who cannot move his or her lower body at all completes the 1960m track on his or her own and competes for the fastest driving time. A technology that analyzes the muscle condition of the disabled and uses an artificial intelligence algorithm to apply electrical stimulation to the muscles in place of the damaged motor nerves to drive a bicycle is needed. Ten teams participated in this competition.
Team BeAGain competed in the 2020 competition and ranked fifth. Over the next four years, he combined Biomechanics-based balanced control technology and wearable robot technology to improve his technology. In this year's competition, he won with a time of 6:02 and a three-second gap over the Dutch team.
Lim Hoon-seop served as Team BeAGain's pilot. Lim received a complete paralysis disorder in the lower extremities in a car accident in 2021, and later joined the research team in October 2023. "This event has allowed me to come out as a society and socialize with many people," Lim said. Lim was found to have significantly increased his lower body muscle mass and improved his health as he prepared for the competition.
Professor Park Ki-won of the Department of Bio-Robot System Engineering at Incheon National University and Yoon Ga-hyun of the Human Dynamics Laboratory participated in this study.